ENCTS Visually Impaired Person + Carer
No charge
No charge
Senior Pass Auto Renewals
When your current Senior Pass is about to expire we will send you a new pass automatically. If your new pass renewal hasn’t arrived 4 weeks before your current pass expires, please email passes@travelsouthyorkshire.com or call 01709 515151.
Moved address? Let us know
The English National Concession Travel Scheme (ENCTS) entitles disabled people to free off peak travel on buses across England (plus additional concessions in South Yorkshire).
You will need to provide proof of your age, proof of eligibility and will need to provide a passport size photograph as this pass requires a photocard.
If you live outside South Yorkshire, you need to apply to the local authority that covers your usual place of residence.
Within South Yorkshire your ENCTS Disabled Person's pass will entitle you to free travel at all times on:
- local bus services, trams and trains
- Northern train services between South Yorkshire and West Yorkshire
In all other parts of England, South Yorkshire passes can be used for free travel on bus services between 0930 and 2300 weekdays and all day weekends and Bank Holidays. They are not valid on tram services outside of South Yorkshire.
For more information please see the information leaflet (PDF).
Smart ticketing - some buses are equipped with smart ticketing machines. This does not affect the times your pass is valid. However, instead of showing your pass to the driver, please place it on to the ticket machine. Normally there will be a beep and the display will show that it is a free pass. If your pass does not work for some reason, the driver will visually check the expiry date and you may be advised to order a replacement.